
欧美网民:英雄联盟S12全球总决赛 DK vs JDG 小组赛 Day2 讨论



DWG KIA vs. JD Gaming / 2022 World Championship - Group B / Post-Match Discussion英雄联盟S12全球总决赛 DK vs JDG 小组赛 Day2 讨论

(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)7Pixels

vogon123That last fight was so illegal holy shit.看完最后一场心里只想说卧槽。

ChiefEmuTaliyah losing wall to that hexgate escape changed that sequence so much塔莉垭没追到海克斯门逃走的卡莎直接影响了结局走向

PraecalidusAm I crazy, or did I just see Maokai bramble smash Kai'sa away from Varus ult? That would have been a literal game changer.是我出幻觉了,还是我确实看见大树把卡莎锤飞躲了维鲁斯的大?这绝壁是这局的结局分界线

Prometeus534He did, I was both crying and laughing so much. Canyon giveth Canyon Taketh你没看错,看得我眼泪笑出来了,成也三叔败也三叔

Ic3NineKilledGraves healed so damn much in that fight and did so much damage man男枪那场团的回复和输出是真他妈多

timetickticksawaythis worlds group stage is so fucking hype这届小组赛嗨爆了

AniviaKid32unless you're an NA fan只要你不是北美粉

Shot-Mathematician58WDYM, NA had the same winrate than LCK today !说什么呢,NA今天胜率跟LCK一样高!

beautheschmoLCK even lost more games than NA!LCK甚至今天输的比NA还多!

frosthowlerLCK Handshake LCS
Going 0-3

Trap_MastersBrother LCK making sure that LCS isn’t feeling depressed alone.大哥LCK不想让LCS单独自闭,他真的我哭死

ZaroltoThe gap is closing pog赛区gap终结pog

SneakyStormNA is as good as LCK, progress! numbers don't lie!NA跟LCK一样强!大进步!数据不会骗人!

AssPorkStill is hype because we could be in the means of making history by going 0-18 collectively as a region lma0.北美粉依旧很嗨因为我们可能创造史上首个赛区18连败笑死


Sold_Pets_For_RPThought JDG lost the last fight then they just popped off god damn.本以为JDG会输最后一场团战,结果直接全秒了太猛了。

AuregaXI want mic checks, what were the calls to make them go in 3v5 like that.想听最后3v5时的队内语音

Proper_Story_3514Kaisa was really fed with Ornn item upgrade. Absurd damage at the end.卡莎真的太肥了,加上奥恩升级装备。最后伤害高得离谱。

ZhalRoninYagao said it was because they the three carries all had sums and ult so they there was no way they wouldn't win牙膏说因为他们3c召唤师技能和大都在所以没理由会输

DiamondRumbleThat flash into 4 man goredrinker from Kanavi gave him like 1k health. Fucking clutchKanavi闪进4人堆里渴血战斧给他回了差不多1000血。无敌了

DestinyspireBANGERS ONLY这场不要太屌

Ic3NineKilledEasily the best match played all worlds so far. So damn even.目前世界赛最精彩的一轮,没有之一。

DiamondRumbleBest league game I’ve seen all year tbh今年看过最好看的比赛

Ic3NineKilledSo damn close man, already so excited for the rematch太刺激了,看回放都觉得刺激

APKID716Giving me Suning vs G2 vibes from 2020给我苏宁vs G2 的2020回放

Cool-I-guessThere was probably a JDG vs TES game that was better, just can't think of it.
Those BO5's were absolute bangers.
JDG vs TES的比赛感觉更精彩一些,不过突然想不起来了。

LARXXXTES vs JDG game 2 in semi finals was a better game forsureTES vs JDG半决赛第二局绝对更加精彩

xXVoidXxYou gotta catch up on the two Bo5s between JDG and TES during summer playoffs then, almost every game was an absolute banger till the very end建议你补一下春季入围赛JDG对TES的两场Bo5,基本上每局从头爽到尾

DiverLife9620I bet you dont watch LPL, the 10 matches between TES and JDG are epic.估计你不看LPL吧,那10场比赛封神了。

TurbineProabsolute certified hood classic绝对的传世经典

Shot-Mathematician58LCS 🤝 LCK today今天LCS 🤝 LCK

Blank-612didnt expect eu to 3-0 and lck to be 0-3 today完全没料到今天eu 3-0,lck 0-3

choombucket0468NA = 0-2
LCK = 0-3
NA > LCK confirmed
NA = 0-2
LCK = 0-3
NA > LCK 证明完毕

Simple_Translator751cant argue with math可不敢违抗数学

shinhwagrrrnumbers dont lie数字不会说谎

toastytoastssBig if true要是真的就精彩了